Space Camp
Russian Space Camp keeps developing new techniques to train thier children in order to inspire them to study STEAM. All these trainers are located in Yu. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Base and serve for the interests of youth educational purposes. We offer 1-week-long and 12-day-long Educational Programs. Send us a message at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send you all information and handouts including pricing. More about technical side of Space Camp here.
Complex of former Soviet Union “MIR” Orbital station is a FULL-SCALE MOCK-UP intended to fulfill the following tasks:
Familiarization with exterior and interior composition and layouts of the Orbital station using full-scale training modules:
- Base module of the station
- “Kvant” module
- “Kvant-2” module
- “Kristal” module
Familiarization with astronauts' daily operations. Working from the central control post of the base module;

The trainer is intended to provide an overview on Boeing 737-500 and ATR-42-300 crew preparation and training, as well as Russian Mi-8 МТВ and Mi-8T helicopter crew. A trainee can perform and train:
- take-off, ascending with visual area and horizon display at day and night times
- skills developing in piloting: en-route flight, descending, landing approach, go-around flight maneuver using navigation set of instruments and systems in all-rage of altitude and speed
- en-route flight using navigation and guidance instruments
- emergency decent
- circuit flying, landing approach, landing, go-around flight in a landing minimum conditions
- braked run
- communication with the ground and internal communication
- visual landing approach, etc.
Multi-functional multimedia complex
The complex is intended to present educational, curricular, tutorial classes. It provides interactive environment with visualization area on panoramic 2.4x6 meter screen, audio and control center. The complex can demonstrate familiarization, educational and tutorial classes; fulfill quests, quizzes, academic competitions, etc.

- studying of exterior elements of the current manned spacecraft and space area (star sky, Earth surface, etc.)
- studying of interior parts of the decent capsule and habitation compartment of the manned spacecraft
- familiarization with crew operations in Soyuz manned vehicle
- studying systems, operational principles and receive ground knowledge and form initial skills in operating spacecraft vehicle’s systems
- interactive operation with interior objects, virtual control panel and crew interaction
- studying of spacecraft rendezvous, approach and docking profile with the International space station in manual and automatic modes
- acoustic assistance (sound of engines firing, etc)
Virtual Mission Control Center is used for:
- familiarization with Russian crew daily planning and mission control; tasks assigned for MCC
- familiarization with Russian ground control group operation during spacecraft docking with the ISS
- playing trajectory and main space station parameters and Soyuz manned vehicle data, exactly as it is presented in the real MCC
- presenting duty ground personnel operations during miscellanies crew tasks on Soyuz manned vehicle, station and during dynamic operations (spacecraft docking, approach, undocking, re-docking, etc)
Scientific Laboratory is intended to fulfill the following tasks:
- familiarization with the content of scientific tasks and experiments performed by crew members in space
- presenting separate experiments and works reflecting physics (chemistry) laws and physiology of a crew member in space
- receiving knowledge and skills during implementation of scientific experiments
- simulating scientific researches and experiments using virtual reality means
- use of medical-biological trainers for simulating separate factors of space flight
- use of medical equipment for studying methods of scientific researches (registering equipment of physiological functions, anatomic measurements, laboratory researches, optical microscope, etc.)
The Lab contains:
- virtual trainers for scientific-applied researches and experiments fulfilled by crew members in space
- simulator for operating in EVA Russian space suit gloves (pressurized)
- “Vixen” telescope with automatic pointing at sky objects and their tracing (more than 22, 000 space objects)
- “Alisa-CK” complex for receiving and analyzing data transmitted from NOAA series satellites
For specific training Program and classes description - send us a message at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.